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Reuse Methodology Manual for System-on-a-Chip Designs, 3/Ed > SoC(System on Chip)


Reuse Methodology Manual for System-on-a-Chip Designs, 3/Ed
판매가격 15,000원
저자 Keating
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Springer
발행언어 영어
발행일 2008-05-23
페이지수 292
ISBN 9780387740980
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Foreword xiii
    Preface to the Third Edition xv
    Acknowledgements xvii
    Introduction 1
    Goals of This Manual 2
    Assumptions 3
    Definitions 3
    Virtual Socket Interface Alliance 4
    Design for Reuse: The Challenge 4
    Design for Use 5
    Design for Reuse 5
    The Emerging Business Model for Reuse 6
    The System-on-Chip Design Process 9
    A Canonical SoC Design 9
    System Design Flow 11
    Waterfall vs. Spiral 11
    Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up 15
    Construct by Correction 15
    Summary 16
    The Specification Problem 17
    Specification Requirements 17
    Types of Specifications 18
    The System Design Process 19
    System-Level Design Issues: Rules and Tools 23
    The Standard Model 23
    Soft IP vs. Hard IP 25
    The Role of Full-Custom Design in Reuse 27
    Design for Timing Closure: Logic Design Issues 28
    Interfaces and Timing Closure 28
    Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Design Style 33
    Clocking 35
    Reset 36
    Timing Exceptions and Multicycle Paths 37
    Design for Timing Closure: Physical Design Issues 38
    Floorplanning 38
    Synthesis Strategy and Timing Budgets 39
    Hard Macros 39
    Clock Distribution 40
    Design for Verification: Verification Strategy 40
    System Interconnect and On-Chip Buses 42
    Basic Interface Issues 43
    Tristate vs. Mux Buses 47
    Synchronous Design of Buses 47
    Summary 47
    IP-to-IP Interfaces 48
    Design for Bring-Up and Debug: On-Chip Debug Structures 51
    Design for Low Power 52
    Lowering the Supply Voltage 53
    Reducing Capacitance and Switching Activity 54
    Sizing and Other Synthesis Techniques 56
    Summary 57
    Design for Test: Manufacturing Test Strategies 57
    System-Level Test Issues 57
    Memory Test 58
    Microprocessor Test 58
    Other Macros 59
    Logic BIST 59
    Prerequisites for Reuse 60
    Libraries 60
    Physical Design Rules 61
    The Macro Design Process 63
    Overview of IP Design 63
    Characteristics of Good IP 64
    Implementation and Verification IP 65
    Overview of Design Process 67
    Key Features 68
    Planning and Specification 69
    Functional Specification 69
    Verification Specification 71
    Packaging Specification 71
    Development Plan 71
    High-Level Models as Executable Specifications 72
    Macro Design and Verification 73
    Summary 77
    Soft Macro Productization 78
    Productization Process 78
    Activities and Tools 78
    RTL Coding Guidelines 81
    Overview of the Coding Guidelines 81
    Basic Coding Practices 82
    General Naming Conventions 82
    Naming Conventions for VITAL Support 84
    State Variable Names 85
    Include Informational Headers in Source Files 85
    Use Comments 87
    Keep Commands on Separate Lines 87
    Line Length 87
    Indentation 88
    Do Not Use HDL Reserved Words 89
    Port Ordering 89
    Port Maps and Generic Maps 92
    VHDL Entity, Architecture, and Configuration Sections 93
    Use Functions 93
    Use Loops and Arrays 94
    Use Meaningful Labels 96
    Coding for Portability 97
    Use Only IEEE Standard Types (VHDL) 97
    Do Not Use Hard-Coded Numeric Values 98
    Packages (VHDL) 98
    Constant Definition Files (Verilog) 98
    Avoid Embedding Synthesis Commands 99
    Use Technology-Independent Libraries 99
    Coding For Translation 100
    Guidelines for Clocks and Resets 101
    Avoid Mixed Clock Edges 102
    Avoid Clock Buffers 103
    Avoid Gated Clocks 103
    Avoid Internally Generated Clocks 104
    Gated Clocks and Low-Power Designs 105
    Avoid Internally Generated Resets 106
    Reset Logic Function 107
    Single-Bit Synchronizers 108
    Multiple-Bit Synchronizers 108
    Coding for Synthesis 108
    Infer Registers 109
    Avoid Latches 110
    If you must use a latch 113
    Avoid Combinational Feedback 113
    Specify Complete Sensitivity Lists 114
    Blocking and Nonblocking Assignments (Verilog) 117
    Signal vs. Variable Assignments (VHDL) 119
    Case Statements vs. if-then-else Statements 120
    Coding Sequential Logic 122
    Coding Critical Signals 124
    Avoid Delay Times 124
    Avoid full_case and parallel_case Pragmas 124
    Partitioning for Synthesis 125
    Register All Outputs 125
    Locate Related Combinational Logic in a Single Module 126
    Separate Modules That Have Different Design Goals 127
    Asynchronous Logic 128
    Arithmetic Operators: Merging Resources 128
    Partitioning for Synthesis Runtime 130
    Avoid Timing Exceptions 130
    Eliminate Glue Logic at the Top Level 133
    Chip-Level Partitioning 134
    Designing with Memories 135
    Code Profiling 136
    Macro Synthesis Guidelines 137
    Overview of the Synthesis Problem 137
    Macro Synthesis Strategy 138
    Macro Timing Constraints 139
    Subblock Timing Constraints 139
    Synthesis in the Design Process 140
    Subblock Synthesis Process 141
    Macro Synthesis Process 141
    Wire Load Models 142
    Preserve Clock and Reset Networks 142
    Code Checking Before Synthesis 143
    Code Checking After Synthesis 143
    Physical Synthesis 144
    Classical Synthesis 144
    Physical Synthesis 145
    Physical Synthesis Deliverables 145
    RAM and Datapath Generators 145
    Memory Design 146
    RAM Generator Flow 147
    Datapath Design 148
    Coding Guidelines for Synthesis Scripts 150
    Macro Verification Guidelines 153
    Overview of Macro Verification 153
    Verification Plan 154
    Verification Strategy 155
    Inspection as Verification 159
    Adversarial Testing 160
    Testbench Design 161
    Transaction-Based Verification 161
    Component-Based Verification 163
    Automated Response Checking 165
    Verification Suite Design 166
    Design of Verification Components 169
    Bus Functional Models 169
    Monitors 171
    Device Models 171
    Verification Component Usage 172
    Getting to 100% 172
    Functional and Code Coverage 172
    Prototyping 172
    Limited Production 173
    Property Checking 173
    Code Coverage Analysis 174
    Timing Verification 177
    Developing Hard Macros 179
    Overview 179
    Why and When to Use Hard Macros 180
    Design Process for Hard vs. Soft Macros 181
    Design Issues for Hard Macros 181
    Full-Custom Design 181
    Interface Design 182
    Design For Test 183
    Clock 184
    Aspect Ratio 185
    Porosity 186
    Pin Placement and Layout 187
    Power Distribution 187
    Antenna Checking 188
    The Hard Macro Design Process 190
    Productization of Hard Macros 190
    Physical Design 190
    Verification 193
    Model Development for Hard Macros 194
    Functional Models 194
    Timing Models 199
    Power Models 200
    Test Models 201
    Physical Models 204
    Porting Hard Macros 204
    Macro Deployment: Packaging for Reuse 207
    Delivering the Complete Product 207
    Soft Macro Deliverables 208
    Hard Macro Deliverables 210
    Software 212
    The Design Archive 213
    Contents of the User Guide 214
    System Integration with Reusable Macros 217
    Integration Overview 217
    Integrating Macros into an SoC Design 218
    Problems in Integrating IP 218
    Strategies for Managing Interfacing Issues 219
    Interfacing Hard Macros to the Rest of the Design 220
    Selecting IP 221
    Hard Macro Selection 221
    Soft Macro Selection 221
    Soft Macro Installation 222
    Soft Macro Configuration 223
    Synthesis of Soft Macros 223
    Integrating Memories 223
    Physical Design 224
    Design Planning and Synthesis 226
    Physical Placement 230
    Timing Closure 234
    Verifying the Physical Design 237
    Summary 238
    System-Level Verification Issues 239
    The Importance of Verification 239
    The Verification Strategy 240
    Interface Verification 241
    Transaction Verification 241
    Data or Behavioral Verification 242
    Standardized Interfaces 244
    Functional Verification 244
    Random Testing 247
    Application-Based Verification 249
    Software-Driven Application Testbench 250
    Rapid Prototyping for Testing 251
    Gate-Level Verification 253
    Sign-Off Simulation 253
    Formal Verification 254
    Gate-Level Simulation with Full Timing 255
    Specialized Hardware for System Verification 256
    Accelerated Verification Overview 258
    RTL Acceleration 259
    Software Driven Verification 260
    Traditional In-Circuit Verification 260
    Design Guidelines for Emulation 261
    Testbenches for Emulation 261
    Data and Project Management 265
    Data Management 265
    Revision Control Systems 265
    Bug Tracking 267
    Regression Testing 267
    Managing Multiple Sites 267
    Archiving 268
    Project Management 269
    Development Process 269
    Functional Specification 269
    Project Plan 270
    Implementing Reuse-Based SoC Designs 271
    Alcatel 272
    Atmel 274
    Infineon Technologies 276
    LSI Logic 278
    Philips Semiconductor 280
    STMicroelectronics 282
    Conclusion 284
    Bibliography 285
    Index 287
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