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Litigator's Guide to DNA: From the Laboratory to the Courtroom > 생명과학


Litigator's Guide to DNA: From the Laboratory to the Courtroom
판매가격 15,000원
저자 Ron C. Michaelis, Paula Wulff, Robert G. Flanders Jr.
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 2008-2
페이지수 448
ISBN 9780123740366
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    Acknowledgments xi
    Introduction xiii
    The Structure of DNA and the Variability of the Human DNA Sequence 1
    You Are Out of Your Field, But Not Out of Your Depth 1
    Markers, Alleles, Genotypes and Profiles 2
    The Two Sources of DNA in Human Cells 5
    The Structure of DNA and RNA 6
    Variability Is the Rule, Not the Exception 11
    Polymorphisms Commonly Used for Forensic Testing 15
    Using the DNA Profile to Identify an Unknown Perpetrator 24
    References and Additional Readings 25
    The Molecular Biological Basis of Forensic DNA Tests 27
    Extraction and Quantification of DNA 27
    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-Based Tests 32
    Variable Number of Tandem Repeats (VNTR) Testing 50
    Direct Sequencing 51
    References and Additional Readings 53
    Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Sources of Uncertainty in the Data 55
    Laboratory Accreditation, Personnel Certification and Proficiency Testing 55
    Validation Studies 59
    The Inevitable Nemeses: Suboptimal Samples and Human Error 61
    Allele Dropout Due to Degradation, Preferential Amplification and StochasticEffects 70
    Artifacts Inherent in STR Analyses 75
    Hybridization Specificity in Dot-Blot Tests 87
    References and Additional Readings 88
    Population Genetics, Probability Calculations and the Proper Interpretation of the Evidence 91
    The Common Logical Fallacies 91
    Databanks and Databases 99
    Allele Frequencies, Genotype Probabilities and the Product Rule for Independent Events 106
    The Principles of Population Genetics that Impact Forensic DNA Calculations 113
    Applying the Product Rule-Compensating for Population Substructure and Possible Allele Dropout 119
    The Likelihood Ratio (LR) Allows the Analyst to Compare the Strength of Competing Hypotheses 135
    The Application of Bayes\' Theorem to Paternity Disputes 142
    Recommended Procedure for Analyzing Mixed Samples 147
    References and Additional Readings 167
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Analyses 171
    The mtDNA Molecule-Abundant and Durable but Less Variable than nDNA 171
    Laboratory Analysis of mtDNA Haplotypes 174
    Matrilineal Inheritance and a Lack of Recombination 178
    A High Mutation Rate Leads to Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy 180
    Statistical Analysis of mtDNA Haplotype Data 187
    References and Additional Readings 193
    Y Chromosome Analyses 197
    Y Chromosome Evolution and its Consequences for Forensic Analyses 197
    Laboratory Analysis of Y Chromosome Haplotypes 204
    Statistical Analysis of Y Chromosome Haplotypes 207
    References and Additional Readings 212
    DNA in Court 215
    The Evolution of Standards for Admissibility of Experts and Evidence 215
    The Ongoing Controversy Regarding Laboratory Error Rates 225
    Counsels\' Obligations Regarding Discovery 228
    Expert Witnesses 232
    The Durability of DNA Presents Problems for Statutes of Limitation 237
    Rape Shield Laws May Limit the Use of DNA Evidence 238
    Judges\' and Jurors\' Perceptions of DNA Evidence 239
    References and Additional Readings 253
    Arguing for the Prosecution 255
    Obtaining DNA Samples 255
    DNA in the Courtroom: The Essentials of the Prosecution\'s Presentation 279
    References and Additional Readings 312
    Arguing for the Defense 313
    The Defense\'s Choice of Strategy 313
    Elements of a Competent Defense 326
    When the Defendant Has Been Identified by a Databank Search 362
    References and Additional Readings 367
    Postconviction DNA Testing 369
    DNA has the Power to Exonerate the Innocent 369
    Avenues for Relief 370
    There Are Many Procedural Obstacles 373
    New Evidence May Justify a New Theory of the Case 379
    Accessing the Necessary Samples 380
    Know the Specific Provisions of the Controlling Statute 383
    References and Additional Readings 386
    Using the Chi-Square Test to Determine if a Population Conforms to HWE Expectations 389
    How the RMP, Prior Odds of Guilt, and the PFP Influence the Posterior Odds of Guilt (POG) 393
    Paternity Index (PI) Calculations for Different Combinations of Maternal, Child and Alleged Father Genotypes 397
    A Sample Consent Form to Collect an Oral Swab, Which Allows the Profile Obtained to Be Entered Into a Databank for Use in Additional Investigations 399
    Doing Your Own Research: Useful References, Websites and Strategies for Finding Current Information 401
    Glossary of Key Terms 411
    Index 423
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