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Medical Statistics and Computer Experiments > 생명과학


Medical Statistics and Computer Experiments
판매가격 10,000원
저자 Ji-Qian Fang (Editor)
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 World Scientific
발행언어 영어
발행일 2005-8
페이지수 911
ISBN 9789812561831
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    Ch. 1 Descriptive statistics 3
    Ch. 2 Probability and distribution 33
    Ch. 3 Sampling error and confidence interval 67
    Ch. 4 Hypothesis testing for continuous variables 91
    Ch. 5 Power and sample size of hypothesis test 123
    Ch. 6 Chi-square test for categorical variable 141
    Ch. 7 Simple linear correlation 177
    Ch. 8 Simple linear regression 195
    Ch. 9 Non linear regression 219
    Ch. 10 Statistical principles of experimental design 233
    Ch. 11 Analysis of variance 259
    Ch. 12 Nonparametric test based on ranks 305
    Ch. 13 Multiple regression and correlation 331
    Ch. 14 Measures of multivariate data and multivariate analysis of variance 363
    Ch. 15 Discriminant analysis 383
    Ch. 16 Logistic regression 401
    Ch. 17 Cluster analysis 431
    Ch. 18 Principal component analysis 445
    Ch. 19 Factor analysis 461
    Ch. 20 Canonical correlation and correspondence analysis 481
    Ch. 21 Survival analysis 505
    Ch. 22 Log-linear models and Poisson regression 523
    Ch. 23 Analysis of repeated continuous-type measurements 547
    Ch. 24 Design and analysis of sequential experiments 563
    Ch. 25 Design and analysis of cross-sectional studies 579
    Ch. 26 Design and analysis of prospective studies 605
    Ch. 27 Designs and analysis of case-control studies 639
    Ch. 28 Statistical methods for data from genetic epidemiological study 665
    Ch. 29 Validity and reliability of measuring devices 693
    Ch. 30 Design and analysis of diagnostic and screening tests 719
    Ch. 31 The systematic review of medical literatures and meta-analysis 745
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