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Edward Teller Lectures: Lasers And Inertial Fusion Energy > 물리학


Edward Teller Lectures: Lasers And Inertial Fusion Energy
판매가격 10,000원
저자 Heinrich Hora, Heinrich Hora (Editor), Hora Heinrich
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 World Scientific
발행언어 영어
발행일 2005-5
페이지수 365
ISBN 9781860944680
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    Portrait of Edward Teller
    Foreword 1
    Introductory remarks to the \"Edward Teller lectures\" 3
    Occasional addresses by Edward Teller at conferences of laser interaction and related plasma phenomena (LIRPP) 25
    Lectures presented by the Edward Teller medalists 81
    Edward Teller medal : acceptance remarks 85
    Comments on the history and prospects for inertial confinement fusion 89
    Laser fusion research in 30 years : lecture of Edward Teller awardee 95
    New basic physics derived from laser plasma interaction 103
    Acceptance of the Edward Teller medal 117
    The Edward Teller medal lecture : the evolution toward indirect drive and two decades of progress toward ICF ignition and burn 121
    Views on inertial fusion energy development 151
    Path to ignition : US indirect target physics 157
    Teller award acceptance speech 167
    1995 Edward Teller lecture : patience and optimism 179
    Teller award acceptance speech 199
    The Edward Teller medal lecture : high intensity lasers and the road to ignition 203
    ICF related research at MPQ 215
    The long way towards inertial fusion energy 223
    Monte Carlo methods in ICF 231
    Scaling laws of nonlinear Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities in two and three dimensions 253
    Design of ignition targets for the national ignition facility 263
    A survey of studies on ignition and burn of inertially confined fuels 271
    Teller medal lecture IFSA 2001 : problems and solutions in the design and analysis of early laser driven high energy density and ICF target physics experiments 281
    Prospects for high-gain, high yield NIF targets driven by 2[omega] (green) light 293
    Hydrodynamic instability, integrated code, laboratory astrophysics and astrophysics 313
    30 years laser interaction and related plasma phenomena 337
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