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Introduction to Social Work, 12/Ed > 기타분야도서


Introduction to Social Work, 12/Ed
판매가격 32,000원
저자 Farley
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Pearson Education
발행언어 영어
발행일 2011-7
페이지수 480
ISBN 9780205221721
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명


    1. What Is Social Work?
    Social Welfare.
    Social Work.
    Distinguishing Characteristics of Social Work.
    Sociology and Social Work.
    Psychiatry and Social Work.
    Psychology and Social Work.
    Counseling and Social Work.
    Social Work in the World Today.

    2. The Evolution of Social Welfare and Social Work in the United States.
    Echoes of the Past.
    European Roots.
    Beginnings in the United States.
    Public Assistance and Social Welfare Emerge.
    Services of Volunteers.
    Social Workers Appear.

    3. Education for Social Work.
    Social Work Education.
    Council on Social Work Education.


    4. Generalist Practice and Introductory Theory.
    Need for a Theoretical Framework.
    Introductory Inner and Outer Forces Paradigm.
    Additional Model Definition.
    The Life Cycle and the Inner and Outer Forces Model.
    Social Functioning.
    Levels of Social Functioning.
    A Base for Generalist Social Work Practice.

    5. Social Work Practice with Individuals.
    Work with the Individual: A Generalist Approach.
    Social Casework Defined.
    History of Social Casework.
    Trends in Casework.
    The Practice Framework.
    Methods of Social Casework.
    Problems in Social Casework.
    The Casework Process.
    The Multi-Systems Approach.

    6. Social Work Practice with Groups.
    Historical Developments.
    Group Work Defined.
    Group Work Models.
    Formation of Groups.
    Selection of Group Members.
    Preparation of Group Members.
    Structuring the Group.
    Stages of Group.
    Group Work Settings.

    7. Social Work Practice with Communities.
    What Is Community Organization?
    Beginnings of Community Social Work.
    Underlying Principles in Community Organization.
    Community Social Work Processes.
    Roles of the Community Organizer.
    Case Summaries.

    8. Administration and Research.


    9. Mental Health Services.
    Beginnings in Mental Health.
    Elements of the Mental Health Network.
    Essential Elements of Comprehensive Mental Health.
    Special Problems and Issues in Mental Health.

    10. Social Work in Health Care.
    Definition of Social Work in Health Care.
    The Meaning of Illness.
    The Role of Social Work in Health Care.
    The Future of Social Work in the Health Care Services.
    Prevention and Social Work.

    11. Social Work in the Schools.
    The Education Delivery System: New Approaches.
    Problems Plaguing the Public Schools.
    Beginnings in School Social Work.
    Social Work Practice in the Schools.
    Social Work Using a Group Approach.
    School Social Work and the Community.
    Working with Minorities.
    When the System Fails.

    12. Social Security and Public Welfare.
    Government\'s Responsibility for Welfare.
    The Social Security Act.
    Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
    Government and Public Welfare.

    13. Family and Child Welfare Services.
    Marriage and Family Counseling.
    Child Welfare Services.
    Home Care of Children.
    Foster Care of Children.
    Adoption Services.
    Protective Services.
    Child Sexual Abuse.

    14. Correctional Services.
    The Social Problems of Delinquency and Crime.
    Social Work and Corrections.
    Social Work Practice in Corrections.
    Processes and Principles.
    Social Services and Case Examples.

    15. Services for the Aged.
    Older Americans Act of 1965.
    White House Conference on Aging, 1971.
    Adequate Income.
    Appropriate Living Arrangements.
    Institutional Responsiveness and a New Attitude Toward Aging.
    Independence and Dignity.

    16. Drug Abuse and Social Work.
    Misused Drugs and What They Do.
    Extent and Cost of Drug Abuse.
    Programs for Control, Prevention, and Treatment.
    Role of Social Work in Treatment.

    17. Services with Minorities.
    Minority Problems.
    Social Services.
    Educational Developments.

    18. Social Work in Rural Areas.
    Beginnings in Rural Social Work.
    Rural Social Work Practice.
    Roles of the Rural Social Worker.
    Rural Social Service Agencies.
    Distance Learning for Rural Social Work.

    19. Case Management.
    Historical Developments.
    Case Management Defined.
    Case Management Research.


    20. Social Work: A Maturing Profession.
    Criteria of a Profession.
    Historical Background.
    Social Work Today.

    21. Social Work Prevention and Enrichment.
    Social Work Focus on Prevention.
    Problems Involved.
    Examples of Prevention.
    Implications of Prevention.
    Social Work Enrichment.

    22. Social Work and the Future.
    Professional Maturation.
    Increase in Services.
    Professional Identification and Visibility.
    Spirituality in Social Work Practice.
    Changing Continuum in Social Work Education.
    Development of the Role of Consultant.
    Status of Social Worker.
    Private Practice.
    Case Management.
    Advocacy Role.
    Improved Public Relations.
    Rural Social Work.
    Expansion of Leadership Roles.
    Increase in International Social Work.
    Movement for Higher Quality.

    Name Index.
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