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Elementary Flight Dynamics with an Introduction to Bifurcation and Continuation Methods > 유체역학


Elementary Flight Dynamics with an Introduction to Bifurcation and Continuation Methods
판매가격 59,000원
저자 Sinha,
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 CRC
발행언어 영어
발행일 2017
페이지수 372
ISBN 9781138074040
도서구매안내 온, 온프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


보조자료 다운
  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Table of Contents
    What, Why and How?
    Aircraft as a Rigid Body
    Six Degrees of Freedom
    Position, Velocity and Angles
    Aircraft Motion in Wind
    Longitudinal Flight Dynamics
    Longitudinal Dynamics Equations
    A Question of Timescales
    Longitudinal Trim
    Aerodynamic Coefficients CD, CL, Cm
    Wing–Body Trim

    Stability Concept
    Linear First-Order System
    Linear Second-Order System
    Nonlinear Second-Order System
    Pitch Dynamics about Level Flight Trim
    Modelling Small-Perturbation Aerodynamics
    Pitch Dynamics about Level Flight Trim (Contd.)
    Short-Period Frequency and Damping
    Forced Response
    Response to Pitch Control

    Longitudinal Trim and Stability
    Wing–Body Trim and Stability
    Wing–Body Plus Tail: Physical Arguments
    Wing–Body Plus Tail: Math Model
    Role of Downwash
    Neutral Point
    Replacing VH with VH /
    Effect of CG Movement
    Rear CG Limit due to Airplane Loading and Configuration at Take-Off
    Cm, CL Curves—Non-Linearities

    Longitudinal Control
    All-Moving Tail
    Tail Lift with Elevator
    Airplane Lift Coefficient with Elevator
    Airplane Pitching Moment Coefficient with Elevator
    Elevator Influence on Trim and Stability
    Longitudinal Manoeuvres with the Elevator
    Most Forward CG Limit
    NP Determination from Flight Tests
    Effect of NP Shift with Mach Number

    Long-Period (Phugoid) Dynamics
    Phugoid Mode Equations
    Phugoid Mode Physics
    Phugoid Small-Perturbation Equations
    Aerodynamic Modelling with Mach Number
    Phugoid Dynamics
    Phugoid Mode Frequency and Damping
    Accurate Short-Period and Phugoid Approximations
    Derivative CmMa
    Derivative Cmq1 in Pitching Motion
    Derivative Cmq1 in Phugoid Motion
    Flow Curvature Effects

    Lateral-Directional Motion
    Directional Disturbance Angles
    Directional versus Longitudinal Flight
    Lateral Disturbance Angles
    Lateral-Directional Rate Variables
    Small-Perturbation Lateral-Directional Equations
    Lateral-Directional Timescales
    Lateral-Directional Aerodynamic Derivatives
    Lateral-Directional Small-Perturbation Equations (Contd.)........ 202
    Lateral-Directional Dynamics Modes

    Lateral-Directional Dynamic Modes
    Roll (Rate) Mode
    Roll Damping Derivative Clp2
    Roll Control
    Aileron Control Derivative, Clδa
    Yaw due to Roll Control
    Aileron Input for a Bank Angle
    Dutch Roll Mode
    Directional Derivatives CYβ and Cnβ
    Lateral Derivative: Clβ
    Damping Derivatives: Cnr1 and Clr1
    Rudder Control
    Spiral Mode
    Real-Life Airplane Data

    Computational Flight Dynamics
    Aircraft Equations of Motion
    Derivation of Aircraft Equations of Motion
    3–2–1 Rule
    Derivation of Aircraft Equations of Motion (Contd.)
    Numerical Analysis of Aircraft Motions
    Standard Bifurcation Analysis
    Extended Bifurcation Analysis
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