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Quantum Mechanics: Non Relativistic Theory, Vol. 3, 3/Ed > 물리학


Quantum Mechanics: Non Relativistic Theory, Vol. 3, 3/Ed
판매가격 99,000원
저자 Landau
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Elsevier
발행언어 영어
발행일 1981
페이지수 689
ISBN 9780750635394
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    From the Preface to the first English edition xi
    Preface to the second English edition xii
    Preface to the third Russian edition xiii
    Editor's Preface to the fourth Russian edition xiv
    Notation xv
    I. The Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics
    1. The uncertainty principle 1
    2. The principle of superposition 6
    3. Operators 8
    4. Addition and multiplication of operators 13
    5. The continuous spectrum 15
    6. The passage to the limiting case of classical mechanics 19
    7. The wave function and measurements 21
    II. Energy and Momentum
    8. The Hamiltonian operator 25
    9. The differentiation of operators with respect to time 26
    10. Stationary states 27
    11. Matrices 30
    12. Transformation of matrices 35
    13. The Heisenberg representation of operators 37
    14. The density matrix 38
    15. Momentum 41
    16. Uncertainty relations 45
    III. Schrodinger's Equation
    17. Schrodinger's equation 50
    18. The fundamental properties of Schrodinger's equation 53
    19. The current density 55
    20. The variational principle 58
    21. General properties of motion in one dimension 60
    22. The potential well 63
    23. The linear oscillator 67
    24. Motion in a homogeneous field 74
    25. The transmission coefficient 76
    IV. Angular Momentum
    26. Angular momentum 82
    27. Eigenvalues of the angular momentum 86
    28. Eigenfunctions of the angular momentum 89
    29. Matrix elements of vectors 92
    30. Parity of a state 96
    31. Addition of angular momenta 99
    V. Motion in a Centrally Symmetric Field
    32. Motion in a centrally symmetric field 102
    33. Spherical waves 105
    34. Resolution of a plane wave 112
    35. Fall of a particle to the centre 114
    36. Motion in a Coulomb field (spherical polar coordinates) 117
    37. Motion in a Coulomb field (parabolic coordinates) 129
    VI. Perturbation Theory
    38. Perturbations independent of time 133
    39. The secular equation 138
    40. Perturbations depending on time 142
    41. Transitions under a perturbation acting for a finite time 146
    42. Transitions under the action of a periodic perturbation 151
    43. Transitions in the continuous spectrum 154
    44. The uncertainty relation for energy 157
    45. Potential energy as a perturbation 159
    VII. The Quasi-Classical Case
    46. The wave function in the quasi-classical case 164
    47. Boundary conditions in the quasi-classical case 167
    48. Bohr and Sommerfeld's quantization rule 170
    49. Quasi-classical motion in a centrally symmetric field 175
    50. Penetration through a potential barrier 179
    51. Calculation of the quasi-classical matrix elements 185
    52. The transition probability in the quasi-classical case 191
    53. Transitions under the action of adiabatic perturbations 195
    VIII. Spin
    54. Spin 199
    55. The spin operator 203
    56. Spinors 206
    57. The wave functions of particles with arbitrary spin 210
    58. The operator of finite rotations 215
    59. Partial polarization of particles 221
    60. Time reversal and Kramers' theorem 223
    IX. Identity of Particles
    61. The principle of indistinguishability of similar particles 227
    62. Exchange interaction 230
    63. Symmetry with respect to interchange 234
    64. Second quantization. The case of Bose statistics 241
    65. Second quantization. The case of Fermi statistics 247
    X. The Atom
    66. Atomic energy levels 251
    67. Electron states in the atom 252
    68. Hydrogen-like energy levels 256
    69. The self-consistent field 257
    70. The Thomas-Fermi equation 261
    71. Wave functions of the outer electrons near the nucleus 266
    72. Fine structure of atomic levels 267
    73. The Mendeleev periodic system 271
    74. X-ray terms 279
    75. Multipole moments 281
    76. An atom in an electric field 284
    77. A hydrogen atom in an electric field 289
    XI. The Diatomic Molecule
    78. Electron terms in the diatomic molecule 300
    79. The intersection of electron terms 302
    80. The relation between molecular and atomic terms 305
    81. Valency 309
    82. Vibrational and rotational structures of singlet terms in the diatomic molecule 316
    83. Multiplet terms. Case a 321
    84. Multiplet terms. Case b 325
    85. Multiplet terms. Cases c and d 329
    86. Symmetry of molecular terms 331
    87. Matrix elements for the diatomic molecule 334
    88. A-doubling 338
    89. The interaction of atoms at large distances 341
    90. Pre-dissociation 344
    XII. The Theory of Symmetry
    91. Symmetry transformations 356
    92. Transformation groups 359
    93. Point groups 362
    94. Representations of groups 370
    95. Irreducible representations of point groups 378
    96. Irreducible representations and the classification of terms 382
    97. Selection rules for matrix elements 385
    98. Continuous groups 389
    99. Two-valued representations of finite point groups 393
    XIII. Polyatomic Molecules
    100. The classification of molecular vibrations 398
    101. Vibrational energy levels 405
    102. Stability of symmetrical configurations of the molecule 407
    103. Quantization of the rotation of a top 412
    104. The interaction between the vibrations and the rotation of the molecule 421
    105. The classification of molecular terms 425
    XIV. Addition of Angular Momenta
    106. 3j-symbols 433
    107. Matrix elements of tensors 441
    108. 6j-symbols 444
    109. Matrix elements for addition of angular momenta 450
    110. Matrix elements for axially symmetric systems 452
    XV. Motion in a Magnetic Field
    111. Schrodinger's equation in a magnetic field 455
    112. Motion in a uniform magnetic field 458
    113. An atom in a magnetic field 463
    114. Spin in a variable magnetic field 470
    115. The current density in a magnetic field 472
    XVI. Nuclear Structure
    116. Isotopic invariance 474
    117. Nuclear forces 478
    118. The shell model 482
    119. Non-spherical nuclei 491
    120. Isotopic shift 496
    121. Hyperfine structure of atomic levels 498
    122. Hyperfine structure of molecular levels 501
    XVII. Elastic Collisions
    123. The general theory of scattering 504
    124. An investigation of the general formula 508
    125. The unitarity condition for scattering 511
    126. Born's formula 515
    127. The quasi-classical case 521
    128. Analytical properties of the scattering amplitude 526
    129. The dispersion relation 532
    130. The scattering amplitude in the momentum representation 535
    131. Scattering at high energies 538
    132. The scattering of slow particles 545
    133. Resonance scattering at low energies 552
    134. Resonance at a quasi-discrete level 559
    135. Rutherford's formula 564
    136. The system of wave functions of the continuous spectrum 567
    137. Collisions of like particles 571
    138. Resonance scattering of charged particles 574
    139. Elastic collisions between fast electrons and atoms 579
    140. Scattering with spin-orbit interaction 583
    141. Regge poles 589
    XVIII. Inelastic Collisions
    142. Elastic scattering in the presence of inelastic processes 595
    143. Inelastic scattering of slow particles 601
    144. The scattering matrix in the presence of reactions 603
    145. Breit and Wigner's formulae 607
    146. Interaction in the final state in reactions 615
    147. Behaviour of cross-sections near the reaction threshold 618
    148. Inelastic collisions between fast electrons and atoms 624
    149. The effective retardation 633
    150. Inelastic collisions between heavy particles and atoms 637
    151. Scattering of neutrons 640
    152. Inelastic scattering at high energies 644
    Mathematical Appendices
    a. Hermite polynomials 651
    b. The Airy function 654
    c. Legendre polynomials 656
    d. The confluent hypergeometric function 659
    e. The hypergeometric function 663
    f. The calculation of integrals containing confluent hypergeometric functions 666
    Index 671
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