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Biomechanics: Concepts and Computation > 의용공학


Biomechanics: Concepts and Computation
판매가격 49,000원
저자 Oomens
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Cambridge University Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2010-12
페이지수 348
ISBN 9780521172967
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 Vector calculus 1

    2 The concepts of force and moment 10

    3 Static equilibrium 37

    4 The mechanical behaviour of fibres 50

    5 Fibres: time-dependent behaviour 69

    6 Analysis of a one-dimensional continuous elastic medium 99

    7 Biological materials and continuum mechanics 114

    8 Stress in three-dimensional continuous media 132

    9 Motion: the time as an extra dimension 156

    10 Deformation and rotation, deformation rate and spin 170

    11 Local balance of mass, momentum and energy 186

    12 Constitutive modelling of solids and fluids 194

    13 Solution strategies for solid and fluid mechanics problems 210

    14 Solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation by means of the Finite Element Method 232

    15 Solution of the one-dimensional convection-diffusion equation by means of the Finite Element Method 264

    16 Solution of the three-dimensional convection-diffusion equation by means of the Finite Element Method 277

    17 Shape functions and numerical integration 295

    18 Infinitesimal strain elasticity problems 313

    References 329

    Index 331
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