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Linden's Handbook of Batteries > 에너지공학


Linden's Handbook of Batteries
판매가격 169,000원
저자 Reddy
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 McGraw-Hill
발행언어 영어
발행일 2011
페이지수 1200
ISBN 9780071624213
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Part I: Principles of Operation;

    Chapter 1. Basic Concepts;

    Chapter 2. Electrochemical Principles and Reactions;

    Chapter 3. Factors Affecting Battery Performance;

    Chapter 4. Battery Standardization;

    Chapter 5. Battery Design;

    Chapter 6. Battery Modeling;

    Chapter 7. Battery Electrolytes;

    Part II: Primary Batteries;

    Chapter 8. Introduction;

    Chapter 9. Zinc Carbon Batteries;

    Chapter 10. Magnesium and Aluminum Batteries;

    Chapter 11. Mercuric Oxide & Silver Oxide Batteries;

    Chapter 12. Zinc/Air Batteries;

    Part III: Secondary Batteries;

    Chapter 13. Introduction;

    Chapter 14. Lead-Acid Batteries;

    Chapter 15. Value Regulated Lead-Acid Batteries;

    Chapter 16. Industrial & Aerospace Nickel-Cadmium Batteries;

    Chapter 17. Portable Sealed Nickel-Cadmium Batteries;

    Chapter 18. Portable Sealed Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries;

    Chapter 19. Nickel-Zinc Batteries;

    Chapter 20. Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries;

    Chapter 21. Silver Oxide Batteries; Chapter 22. Rechargeable Lithium Batteries; Chapter 23. Lithium Ion Batteries;

    Part IV: Specialized Battery Systems;

    Chapter 24. Batteries for Electric Vehicles;

    Chapter 25. Metal/Air Batteries;

    Chapter 26. Batteries for Load-Leveling and Stand-By Power;

    Chapter 27. Batteries for Biomedical Applications;

    Chapter 28. Reserve Batteries; Chapter 29. Nano-sized Batteries;

    Part V: Portable Fuel Cells;

    Chapter 30. Introduction;

    Chapter 31. Small Fuel Cells;

    Chapter 32. Stationary Fuel Cells

    Thomas Reddy, Ph.D., a pioneer in the lithium battery field, is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School of the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey. He previously served as Vice President of Power Conversion Inc., (currently Hawker Electracell, Inc.) and Yardney Technical Products, Inc. He continues to serve as a consultant to Yardney and other organizations.

    David Linden now retired, was previously a consultant with Duracell, Inc. and Director of the Power Sources Division of the U.S. Army Electronics R&D Command.
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