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Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things > 분산시스템


Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things
판매가격 20,000원
저자 Hwang
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Morgan Kaufmann
발행언어 영어
발행일 2011-10
페이지수 672
ISBN 9780123858801
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Part 1: Systems Modeling, Clustering and Virtualization

    Chapter 1: Distributed System Models and Enabling Technologies

    1.1 Scalable Computing Service over The Internet

    1.2 Technologies for Network-based Computing

    1.3 System Models for Distributed and Cloud Computing

    1.4 Software Environments for Distributed Systems and Clouds

    1.5 Performance, Security, and Energy-Efficiency

    1.6 Bibliographic Notes and Homework Problems

    Chapter 2: Computer Clusters for Scalable Computing

    2.1 Clustering for Massive Parallelism

    2.2 Computer Clusters and MPP Architectures

    2.3 Design Principles of Computer Clusters

    2.4 Cluster Job and Resource Management

    2.5 Case Studies of Supercomputyers and MPP Systems

    2.6 Bibliographic Notes and Homework Problems

    Chapter 3: Virtual Machines and Virtualization of Clusters and Datacenters

    3.1 Implementation Levels of Virtualization

    3.2 Virtualization Structures/Tools and Mechanisms

    3.3 Virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O Devices

    3.4 Virtual Clusters and Resource Management

    3.5 Virtualization for Datacenter Automation

    3.6 Bibliographic Notes and Homework Problems

    Part 2: Computing Clouds and Service-Oriented Architecture

    Chapter 4: Design of Cloud Computing Platforms

    4.1 Cloud Computing and Service Models

    4.2 Datacenter Design and Interconnection Networks

    4.3 Architecture Design of Compute and Storage Clouds

    4.4 Public Cloud Platforms: GAE, AWS and Windows Azure

    4.5 Cloud Resource Management and Exchanges

    4.6 Cloud Security and Trust Management

    4.7 References and Homework Problems

    Chapter 5: Service Oriented Architectures

    5.1 Services and Service Oriented Architectures

    5.2 Message-Oriented Middleware

    5.3 Portals and Science Gateways

    5.4 Discovery, Registries, Metadata, and Databases

    5.5 Workflow in Service-Oriented Architectures

    5.6 Bibliographic Notes and Homework Problems

    Chapter 6: Cloud Programming and Software Environments

    6.1 Features of Cloud and Grid Platforms

    6.2 Parallel and Distributed Programming Paradigms

    6.3 Programming Support of Google App Engine

    6.4 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Programming

    6.5 Microsoft Azure Programming Support

    6.6 Emerging Cloud Software Environments

    6.7 Bibliographic Notes and Homework Problems

    Part 3: Grids, P2P, and The Future Internet

    Chapter 7: Grid Computing and Resource Management

    7.1 Grid Architecture and Service Modeling

    7.2 Case Studies of Grid Computing Systems

    7.3 Grid Resource Management and Brokering

    7.4 Middleware Support for Grid Resource Management

    7.5 Grid Security Infrastructure in GT4

    7.6 Bibliographic Notes and Homework Problems

    Chapter 8: P2P Computing with Overlay Networks

    8.1 Peer-to-Peer Computing Systems

    8.2 P2P Overlay Networks and Properties

    8.3 Routing, Proximity and Fault Tolerance

    8.4 Trust and Reputation Management

    8.5 P2P File Sharing and Copyright Protection

    8.6 Bibliographic Notes and Homework Problems

    Chapter 9: Ubiquitous Computing with Clouds and The Internet of Things

    9.1 Cloud Trend To Support Ubiquitous Computing

    9.2 Performance Metrics for HPC and HTC Systems

    9.3 Enabling Technologies for The Internet of Things

    9.4 Innovative Applications of The Internet of Things

    9.5 On-Line Social and Professional Networking

    9.6 Bibliographic Notes and Homework Problems
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