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Space, Time and Number in the Brain: Searching for the Foundations of Mathematical Thought > 심리학


Space, Time and Number in the Brain: Searching for the Foundations of Mathematical Thought
판매가격 99,000원
저자 Degaene
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 Academic Press
발행언어 영어
발행일 2011-6
페이지수 374
ISBN 9780123859488
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    Section I: Introduction to Mental representations of magnitudes Mental Magnitudes Objects, sets and ensembles Attentional mechanisms for counting in stabilized and in dynamic displays

    Section II: Introduction to Neural codes for space, time and number Plurality of the brain’s spatial representation system Temporal Neuronal Oscillations can Produce Spatial Phase Codes Population Clocks: Motor Timing with Neural Dynamics Discrete neuroanatomical substrates for feedforward versus feedback mechanisms of temporal prediction The neural code for number

    Section III: Introduction to hared mechanisms, links and metaphors Synaesthesia: A positive cognitive neuroscience approach to studying time, number and space How is number associated with space? The role of working memory Biases in spatial and numerical bisection: a causal link? Compression of the perceptual metric during saccadic eye movements

    Section IV: Introduction Ontogeny and phylogeny Origins of spatial, temporal and numerical cognition: Insights from animal model systems The approximate number system and the computations it supports as evidenced from a non-human primate model Origins of generalized magnitude representation

    Section V: Introduction to Development, education and representational change Foundational numerical capacities and the origins of dyscalculia Neurocognitive start-up tools for symbolic number representations Sources of Abstract Concepts: Natural Number and Natural Geometry Geometry as a universal mental construction How languages construct time Improving low-income children’s number sense
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