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Correlated Electrons in Quantum Matter
판매가격 169,000원
저자 Fulde
도서종류 외국도서
출판사 World Scientific
발행언어 영어
발행일 2012
페이지수 550
ISBN 9789814390910
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1 Introduction 1

    2 Independent Electrons 9

    2.1 Many-Electron Hamiltonian 10

    2.2 Basis Sets 11

    2.3 Self-consistent Field Equations 12

    2.4 Unrestricted SCF Approximation 18

    2.5 Missing Features of the Independent-Electron Approximation 20

    3 Homogeneous Electron Gas 25

    3.1 Uncorrelated Electrons 26

    3.2 Random-Phase Approximation 31

    3.3 Wigner Crystal 34

    4 Density Functional Theory 39

    4.1 Theory of Hohenberg, Kohn and Sham 40

    4.2 Local-Density Approximation and Extensions 43

    4.3 Strong Electron Correlations: LDA+U 47

    4.4 The Energy Gap Problem 50

    4.5 Time-Dependent DFT 53

    5 Wavefunction-Based Methods 57

    5.1 Method of Configuration Interactions 59

    5.2 Cumulants and their Properties 63

    5.3 Ground-State Wavefunction and Energy 64

    5.3.1 Method of Increments 68

    5.4 Different Approximation Schemes 70

    5.4.1 Partitioning and Projection Methods 71

    5.4.2 Coupled Cluster Method 72

    5.4.3 Selection of Excitation Operators 75

    5.4.4 Trial Wavefunctions 78

    6 Correlated Ground-State Wavefunctions 83

    6.1 Semiconductors 84

    6.1.1 Model for Interatomic Correlations 84

    6.1.2 Estimates of Intra-Atomic Correlations 89

    6.1.3 Ab Initio Results 90

    6.2 Ionic and van der Waals Solids 93

    6.2.1 Three Oxides: MgO, CaO and NiO 93

    6.2.2 Rare-Gas Solids 96

    6.3 Simple Metals 97

    6.4 Ground States with Strong Correlations: CASSCF 99

    7 Quasiparticle Excitations 101

    7.1 Single-particle Green\'s Function 102

    7.1.1 Perturbation Expansions 106

    7.1.2 Temperature Green\'s Function 111

    7.2 Quasiparticles in Metals 117

    7.3 Quasiparticles in Semiconductors and Insulators 123

    7.3.1 Quasiparticle Approximation 124

    7.3.2 A Simple Model: Bond-Orbital Approximation 126

    7.3.3 Wavefunction-Based Ab Inito Calculations 132

    8 Incoherent Excitations 137

    8.1 Projection Method 138

    8.2 An Example: Hubbard Model 141

    9 Coherent-Potential Approximations 145

    9.1 Static Disorder 146

    9.2 Dynamical Disorder: DMFT and Beyond 148

    10 Strongly Correlated Electrons 157

    10.1 Measure of Correlation Strengths 159

    10.2 Indicators of Strong Correlations 162

    10.2.1 Low-Energy Scales: a Simple Model 163

    10.2.2 Effective Hamiltonians 167

    10.3 Kondo Effect 168

    10.4 The Hubbard Model Revisited 178

    10.4.1 Spin-Density Wave Ground State 178

    10.4.2 Gutzwiller\'s Ground-State Wavefunction 183

    10.4.3 Hubbard\'s Approximations and their Extensions 186

    10.4.4 Kanamori Limit 189

    10.5 The t-J Model 191

    10.6 Mean-Field Approximations 207

    10.6.1 Test of Different Approximation Schemes 212

    10.7 Metal-Insulator Transitions 220

    10.8 Numerical Studies 224

    10.9 Break-down of Fermi Liquid Description 231

    10.9.1 Marginal Fermi Liquid Behavior 232

    10.9.2 Charged and Neutral Quasiparticles 234

    10.9.3 Hubbard Chains 235

    10.9.4 Quantum Critical Point 239

    11 Transition Metals 241

    11.1 Ground-State Wavefunction 242

    11.2 Satellite Structures 248

    11.3 Temperature-Dependent Magnetism 250

    11.3.1 Local Spin Fluctuations 251

    11.3.2 Long-Wavelength Spin Fluctuations 264

    12 Transition-Metal Oxides 281

    12.1 Doped Charge-Transfer Systems: the Cuprates 282

    12.1.1 Quasiparticle-like Excitations 284

    12.2 Orbital Ordering 299

    12.2.1 Manganites: LaMnO3 and related Compounds 307

    12.2.2 Vanadates: LaVO3 314

    12.2.3 Ladder Systems: α\'-NaV2O5 314

    12.2.4 Other Oxides 319

    13 Heavy Quasiparticles 321

    13.1 Kondo Lattice Systems 324

    13.1.1 Renormalized Band Theory 325

    13.1.2 Large Versus Small Fermi Surface 333

    13.1.3 Mean-Field Treatment 336

    13.2 Charge Ordering in Yb4As3: an Instructive Example 340

    13.3 Partial Localization: Dual Role of 5f Electrons 348

    13.4 Heavy d Electrons: LiV2O4 355

    14 Excitations with Fractional Charges 363

    14.1 Trans-Polyacetylene 364

    14.2 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect 368

    14.3 Correlated Electrons on Frustrated Lattices 375

    14.3.1 Loop Models 378

    14.3.2 Dimer Models 386

    14.3.3 Mapping to a U(1) Gauge Theory 390

    14.3.4 Magnetic Monopoles 393

    15 Superconductivity 399

    15.1 The Superconducting State 402

    15.1.1 Pair States 405

    15.1.2 BCS Ground State 410

    15.2 Cooper Pair Breaking 417

    15.2.1 Ergodic vs. Nonergodic Perturbations 418

    15.2.2 Pairing Electrons with Population Imbalance 423

    15.3 Cooper Pairing without Phonons 435

    15.3.1 Filled Skutterudite PrOs4Sb12 437

    15.3.2 UPd2Al3: Pairing and Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking 440

    15.4 Magnetic Resonances 441

    15.5 High-Tc Superconductors 448

    15.5.1 Suppression of Antiferromagnetic Order by Holes 450

    15.5.2 Pseudogap Regime 451

    15.5.3 Strange-Metal 454

    15.5.4 Optical Properties: Drude Peak 455

    15.5.5 Pairing Interactions 460

    15.5.6 Stripe Formation 467

    A Some Relations for Cumulants 473

    B Scattering Matrix in Single-Centre and Two-Centre Approximation 475

    C Intra-atomic Correlations in a C Atom 479

    D Landau Parameter: Quasiparticle Mass 481

    E Kondo Lattices: Quasiparticle Interactions 483

    F Lanczos Method 485

    G Density Matrix Renormalization Group 489

    H Monte Carlo Methods 497

    H 1 Sampling Techniques 498

    H 2 Ground-State Energy 500

    I Computing the Memory Function by Increments 505

    J Kagome Lattice at 1/3 Filling 507

    References 509

    Index 525
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