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Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook > PACKT 원서리스트


Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook
판매가격 33,000원
저자 Zhi Eng
도서종류 외국도서
발행언어 영어
발행일 2016-07
페이지수 300
ISBN 9781783280278
도서구매안내 온, 오프라인 서점에서 구매 하실 수 있습니다.


  • 도서 정보

    도서 상세설명

    1: Look and Feel Customization
    Use style sheets with Qt Designer
    Basic style sheet customization
    Creating a login screen using style sheets
    Using resources in style sheets
    Customizing properties and sub-controls
    Styling in QML
    Exposing QML object pointer to C++

    2: States and Animations
    Property animation in Qt
    Using easing curves to control property animation
    Creating an animation group
    Creating a nested animation group
    State machines in Qt
    States, transitions, and animations in QML
    Animating widget properties using animators
    Sprite animation

    3: QPainter and 2D Graphics
    Drawing basic shapes on screen
    Exporting shapes to SVG files
    Coordinate transformation
    Displaying images on screen
    Applying image effects to graphics
    Creating a basic paint program
    2D canvas in QML

    4: OpenGL Implementation
    Setting up OpenGL in Qt
    Hello world!
    Rendering 2D shapes
    Render 3D shapes
    Texturing in OpenGL
    Lighting and texture filter in OpenGL
    Moving an object using keyboard controls
    3D canvas in QML

    5: Building a Touch Screen Application with Qt5
    Setting up Qt for mobile applications
    Designing a basic user interface with QML
    Touch events
    Animation in QML
    Displaying information using Model View
    Integrating QML and C++
    6: XML Parsing Made Easy
    Processing XML data using stream reader
    Writing XML data using Stream Writer
    Processing XML data using the QDomDocument class
    Writing XML data using the QDomDocument class
    Using Google's Geocoding API

    7: Conversion Library
    Data conversion
    Image conversion
    Video conversion
    Currency conversion

    8: Accessing Databases
    Connecting to a database
    Writing basic SQL queries
    Creating a login screen with Qt
    Displaying information from a database on a model view
    Advanced SQL queries

    9: Developing a Web Application Using Qt Web Engine
    Introduction to Qt WebEngine
    WebView and web settings
    Embedding Google Maps in your project
    Calling C++ functions from JavaScript
    Calling JavaScript functions from C++
    backindex: Appendix A: Index
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